沙巴-中国总商会 青年企业家



马来西亚政府正致力落实恢复“马来亚、沙巴及砂拉越”三邦为平 等伙伴之议程,在这一趋势发展下,为配合州政府之政策方针与意 愿,召集州内各领域企业代表成立沙巴一中国总商会(沙中),以更 能代表及保障沙巴与中国双边利益,自主自发推动落实各项商贸投 资、资讯资源之互动、互助、互通。

沙巴一中国总商会青年企业家委员会(沙中青企)专属沙巴一中国总 商会旗下。全体理事和会员都是来自各行各业、45岁以下的青年企 业家。2020年,沙巴一中国总商会总会长拿督刘顺泰在会议中委派副 总会长周廷福先生负责筹划设立沙中青企委员会;同时,周廷福先 生也委任了许德玲女士担任筹备委员会秘书并开始招募会员工作。 沙中青企于2020年12月26日发起,经过两年的疫情和经济复苏后, 第一届理事会正式于2022年5月22日成立,并由周廷福先生担任 青企主席。

沙中青企主干成员来自沙巴各领域,包括科技与资讯(数码与资讯 工艺)、环保与永续发展、畜牧业、金融投资(地产投资、财务管 理)、服务业(旅游与文化、餐饮、食品制造与安全、教育、清真 事务、法律事务、人力资源)、重工业(建筑建设与发展、汽车与 重工业)、轻工业(设计与广告)、贸易、批发、进出口与物流等。

The Malaysian Government is working on amendment to restore Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners. In line with the Sabah State Government’s policies, in order to better represent and protect the bilateral interests of Sabah and China, promote various business investment opportunities, exchange of information and resources, representatives for business sectors were convened to establish Sabah-China Chamber of Commerce (SCCC).

Sabah-China Chamber of Commerce Young Entrepreneurs Committee (SCCCYE) is a youth wing under SCCC. Committee members and members are young entrepreneurs below 45 years old from various business sectors. In year 2020, President of SCCC Datuk Frankie Liew, has appointed Vice President Mr. Chiew Heng Hock in a meeting to be responsible for the forming of SCCCYE. Meanwhile Mr. Chiew appointed Ms. Hee Fui Ling as the secretary of preparatory committee and began the recruitment of members. SCCCYE was launched on 26th December 2020. Two years after pandemic and economic recovery, the first board of committee is officially established on 22th May 2022, with Mr. Chiew Heng Hock as the Chairman of SCCCYE.

The main members of SCCCYE came from various industries in Sabah, including Technology (Digital & IT), Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development, Poultry, Financial & Investment (Real Estate Investment, Financial Management), Service Industry (Tourism & Culture, Food & Beverage, Food Manufacturing & Safety, Education, Halal Affairs, Legal, Human Resources), Heavy Industry (Construction, Automobile), Design & Advertising, Trade, Wholesales, Import & Export, Logistics, etc.




建立沙巴与中国经贸、文化及教育沟通 平台,对接双边有利青企发展项目,共 创新兴繁荣社会。

Establish a communication platform between Sabah and China in terms of economy, trading, culture and education. Connect development projects on both ends that support young enterprises, in order to create a newly developed and prosperous society.

传递双边工商科技发展资讯,维护会员 及地方制造商机,提升产业发展建立经 济新格局。

Deliver information on the development of industrial and commercial technology on both ends, safeguard business opportunities for members and local manufacturers, and promote industrial development to establish a new economic pattern.



设立青企国际交流平台,接轨国际经贸新趋势,开拓国际经贸网络,共同促进 会员互助团结精神,亲善携手共碟双赢。

Establish an international exchange platform for young enterprises, introduce new trends in international economy and trading, explore new international economic and trading networks, enhance mutual assistance and unity among members, and cooperate together to establish mutual benefit.

设立培训青年创业平台,共同促进沙巴 经济发展开拓新兴行业,提升沙巴经济 产值及就业机会,创造富裕民生社会进 步之宏愿。

Set up a platform for educating young entrepreneurs to jointly promote Sabah's economic development and start up new industries, enhance Sabah's GDP value and employment opportunities, in order to create a prosperous society that is fuelled by social progress and ambitions of the citizens.



